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RTO Mandates Are Causing Employers to lose skilled Employees

January 23, 2025 by developers

Return to office (RTO) mandates have become an issue within organizations causing them to lose employees in large numbers. S&P 500 companies have seen a dip in employee retention with high employee turnover because of the RTO policies being enforced. In addition to it being difficult to retain exiting employees, the RTO mandates have also had an impact on hiring. This is making it harder to fill vacant positions at the same rate as before. It is always essential to plan before enforcing any further regulatory changes. Employers felt after the initial resistance, employees would fall in line with the…

Supreme Federal Court of Brazil Rules on Validity of Intermittent Contracts

January 08, 2025 by developers

Intermittent contracts have been used by countless organizations as an alternative way to engage individuals since the labor reform in 2017. The utilization of an intermittent contract allows employers to hire workers that will provide services on a noncontinuous basis, which is with alternating time limit of service provision and inactivity that wavers according to the organization’s requests. While in the period of inactivity, and the worker is not available to the employer, they will be free to provide services to other businesses. The logic of these arrangements has recently been challenged and the Brazil Supreme Federal Court has analyzed…

Unemployment vs. Returning to Work: How to bring employees back to work when UI pays more

May 27, 2020 by Savio Human Resources

With the outbreak of COVID-19 many employers’ workforces were impacted by Federal, State, and local governments’ virus containment efforts. Stay-at-home, shelter-in-place, and other social distancing orders have resulted in the shutdown of nonessential businesses and restrictions on other services. These actions have resulted in record job losses all over the country. To help both employers and employees, Federal and State governments have issued economic stimulus packages. The two largest stimulus bills affecting HR professionals are the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Both of these Acts contain provisions that affect…

Show the Evidence

August 14, 2019 by Savio HR Solutions

Prior to warning or discharging an employee the employee should always be given opportunity to respond to allegations of miss-doings. If the employee is denying any wrong doing and the employer has evidence (video, emails, pictures, etc.) to the contrary it is generally good practice to inform the employee of the evidence and allow the employee an opportunity to see the evidence. There may be occasions when the termination is based on other employee statements and it is not proper to disclose who provided the information or show statements made by other employees. Example Case - A nurse, who had…



RTO Mandates Are Causing Employers to lose skilled Employees


January 23, 2025

Return to office (RTO) mandates have become an issue within organizations causing them to lose employees in large numbers. S&P 500 companies have seen a dip in employee retention with high employee turnover because of […]

Supreme Federal Court of Brazil Rules on Validity of Intermittent Contracts


January 08, 2025

Intermittent contracts have been used by countless organizations as an alternative way to engage individuals since the labor reform in 2017. The utilization of an intermittent contract allows employers to hire workers that will provide […]

How to manage Coworker Conflict


December 20, 2024

When co-workers face a conflict over work-related issues and start avoiding each other, it is a natural thought to think if someone should assist in fixing the issue. Such behavior can create an awkward work […]