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Savio has saved our clients $75.5+ million

Use our expertise with UI cost saving
to benefit your company

At Savio, we know that unemployment insurance (UI) cost management can be an extremely complex, expensive, and time-draining process for employers. Processing UI claims pull you away from more important HR responsibilities. We take the burden of unemployment issues off of you so that you can concentrate on matters that have a greater impact on your accomplishment of HR workforce goals. Our success in preventing and defending unemployment insurance claims has helped save our clients millions of dollars.

With extensive expertise in this area, we take a variety of steps to manage your UI claims and costs to save you the maximum time and financial burdens. To do so, we focus on you, the client, through: 

  • Serving as employer of record for all UI claims matters. We deal with the unemployment agency for you. You only communicate with us in unemployment matters; a familiar face and voice. 
  • Reviewing and responding to all UI claims. Our experience helps us know what information the unemployment agency requires to make a proper decision for your case. We know what and how to present the information.  
  • Representing clients in UI hearings. We are with you from the time an unemployment appeal is filed until the judge’s decision is rendered. We assist clients get ready for the hearing by identifying pertinent documents and with witness preparation. We submit the documents to the unemployment agency and all interested parties. We complete the process by representing our clients during the hearing. 
  • Auditing all claims charges. We will ensure that all charges are accurate. If any questionable charges are found, we will contact the unemployment agency and work to remove improper charges and make sure proper credit is given to our clients. 
  • Protesting improper payments. There are times when benefits may have been paid erroneously. This frequently occurs when UI claimants (former employee) fail to report or under report earnings while drawing unemployment. We secure proper earnings (obtain from clients) and provide to the agency so that any monies incorrectly paid can be corrected. This is important as all that is paid can impact what you owe to the agency, either as direct reimbursement or in an increased tax rate. 
  • Providing activity management reports. Reports are provided to show activity that has occurred during the prior quarter and year. These reports are on claims as well as appeals. We can do on demand reporting as well. 

We provide our clients with these services to ensure the highest level of UI cost management and customer satisfaction. Today, we have more than 140 clients representing a diverse range of businesses throughout 19 states. Here is a snapshot of our UI performance over the last five years:

  • Processed over 23,000 UI claims
  • Represented clients in approximately 1,300 UI hearings
  • Won over 93% of all UI appeals
  • Helped save over $75.5 million in potential charges to clients

At SAVIO HR Solutions, we are your smart UI/HR solution.



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