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What can you do to improve your work environment? Do you know the real reason why your staff are leaving? Exit interviews are great opportunities for companies to get honest and candid answers that help build better work environments.   When you ask questions to find out what is driving your employees to leave, be open to hearing both good and bad.

As a company, you need to identify what is so appealing to employees that pulls them to other opportunities. Why does the grass look so much greener on the other side? Here are a few suggested questions that you can ask to understand why your staff are leaving. 

  • What factors were most important in your decision to accept a new position?
  • What is your overall experience with this company? 
  • What did you like most and least about your job and working here? 
  • Would you ever consider returning? 
  • What kind of feedback did you receive from your supervisor? What kind of feedback do you receive the best?
  • What could (Company Name) do to keep you here and satisfied? 

Exit interviews can be used as a strategic tool to help your company develop and grow. Make sure that you listen actively and take notes. Allow people to vent freely and criticize the company without becoming defensive. Once the interview is over, thank your interviewee for their time.   

Notes from your exit interview will be your building blocks for a better culture and improve your retention.  

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We believe in ethics, values, drive determination and results and your organization has delivered beyond our expectations. We deliver on the promises that we set for our customers and Savio has never failed to do the same for us.

- Debra, HR Professional



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