When co-workers face a conflict over work-related issues and start avoiding each other, it is a natural thought to think if someone should assist in fixing the issue. Such behavior can create an awkward work environment for everyone around. If the tension affects collaboration, team morale, and productivity, it may be essential for a manager to step up and acknowledge the situation. In doing so the focus should be toward resolving the work-related issue and not forcing personal reconciliation.
We all do our best to keep emotions in check when in the office. When someone has a meltdown that is directed at you, you want to guarantee the circumstances are managed, without it leading to any office drama. It may sound impossible but here are a few steps to effectively deal with the situation.
Do your best not to immediately engage when someone in the office is having an outburst. This can be complicated but having a screaming match will not resolve the issue and simply waste your time. Give them time to cool off. Then you can both come back with a clear head.
Allow time to analyze the situation. Think about your next steps and consider whether this is something you even need to act on. Make sure to evaluate the circumstances first or you might end up having a meltdown of your own.
Determine your approach to the situation. If the emotional outburst was threatening or harassing in any way, you probably will want to involve your supervisor or your human resource department. Certain actions require repercussions that a simple I am sorry is not always enough to fix outrageous behavior.
Understand when to move on. Emotions will no doubt find their way into the workplace every now and then, but this does not mean the office environment needs to be tense and awkward. Know when it is time to be the bigger person and do not allow your own emotions to get the best of you.