Employers run into problems; this is no surprise to anyone. Problems come in different shapes and sizes and range over different areas within the company. Employers need strong problem-solving skills in their employees. Employees who can problem solve can think critically, creativity, and process information in different ways.
Problem solving broken down into a few simple steps:
- Identify the problem– It may seem like an obvious step. You need to know the problem before you can solve the problem.
- List out the possible solutions– See both sides of the problem, list pros and cons, and see what consequences can arise from your processes.
- Determine the resources– What does it take to solve the problem (money, technology, staff, etc.)
- Time- Give yourself time to test ideas and solve the problem.
- Measure the success-Did you meet your goals? Did you solve the problem? If not, what can you do differently?
Utilizing this skill not only in the workplace, but in your personal life will help you reduce your stress and anxiety. So, the next time you come face to face with a problem, do not stress. Take a breath and follow these five simple steps.