Defining Management Expectations
Individual applies for a job based on a job description that defines work tasks and skills, individual is hired, new hire orientation occurs including a whirlwind overview of the company and a quick review of a 100 + page employee handbook. They start work. Several months (or in some cases years) the manager reports that the individual is not doing what the manager “expects” (examples: attendance, cellphone usage, responding to customer calls, timeliness for meetings, helping co-workers, Internet usage, professionalism, etc.). Occasionally, the issue has been addressed with the employee and the employee simply is unwilling to alter the behavior. …
FMLA Designation
The FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) law has been in place since 1993 and the complexity has never worn off. The act, in total, can be very complex for the employer and the employee. Below is a brief refresher on the initial process of designation. Employee Reports or Employer is made aware of the need for leaveEmployer should obtain the expected duration and reason for leaveDetermine if duration and reason fall within the FMLA guidelines If determined an FMLA qualified event: Employee qualification for FMLA must be madeEmployee must have worked 1250 hours (within the last 12 months) Must have worked…