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Artificial Intelligence is steadily becoming part of the normal workplace team. Companies are embracing AI and waking up to the capability and uses of this new team member.  Here are some ways that AI is changing the workforce:

  1. ChatGPT helps companies automate workflows to save time.  Chatbot help navigate websites, recruiting, and draft social media.
  2. AI is helping applicants write their resume’s and help them stand out among other applicants.
  3. AI-assisting with hiring is nothing new, but it is becoming increasingly normal. This could be as easy as asking preliminary questions (Interview or behavioral) or help record videos for prescreening applications.
  4. Companies have started to allow AI to write performance reviews. Performance reviews for your staff can be time-consuming, so why not get the help when you need it.

Staff worry if AI will be replacing them with all the advances that are being created. AI is being allowed to do more and more in the workplace. Some companies are also seeing workers striking against AI’s being used. Employees need to work to provide for their families. So, companies are encouraging workers to learn how to use AI and not be nervous. Not only will this help your staff save time and effort; it will also help staff have a better work life balance.

Our Customer SAY:

We believe in ethics, values, drive determination and results and your organization has delivered beyond our expectations. We deliver on the promises that we set for our customers and Savio has never failed to do the same for us.

- Debra, HR Professional



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