(601) 368-3302 | Client Surveys | Emergency HR Help

Instructions to Identify Theft Victim

June 22, 2020 by Savio Human Resources

MDES provided us with instructions that if a victim has received a MDES debit card, the debit card should be shredded immediately and your employee's email their name, phone number, date debit card was received and date card was destroyed.   The email address they provided is safe@mdes.ms.gov.  We are advising identify theft victims to copy/photograph (back and front) the card so they will have evidence when they file their police report.  They should also retain all mail associated with the claim to support their police report. After you report the claims as fraudulent, the employees should get an acknowledgement from…

Command of the Meeting

August 14, 2019 by Savio HR Solutions

Command of the investigation / disciplinary / termination meeting.  Do not allow employees to dictate the terms of the meeting.  At the outset, define the protocol that will be followed during the meeting and follow the protocol. Example approach:  We are here to discuss the incident that occurred on 1/1/17.  During this meeting we will all behave in a professional manner.  Any unprofessional behavior, such as raising of the voice, will result in the meeting being terminated.  I will speak first and when I conclude I will provide you an opportunity to provide a statement.  Jane Doe is sitting in…

Show the Evidence

August 14, 2019 by Savio HR Solutions

Prior to warning or discharging an employee the employee should always be given opportunity to respond to allegations of miss-doings. If the employee is denying any wrong doing and the employer has evidence (video, emails, pictures, etc.) to the contrary it is generally good practice to inform the employee of the evidence and allow the employee an opportunity to see the evidence. There may be occasions when the termination is based on other employee statements and it is not proper to disclose who provided the information or show statements made by other employees. Example Case - A nurse, who had…

Initiation of Family Medical Leave (FMLA)

August 14, 2019 by Savio HR Solutions

In many organizations employees report to their manager that they need time off from work and little if any information is shared as to the reason for the time off.   The manager may be inquisitive but in many instances the questions concern when the employee will return.   The manager generally has little to no knowledge of FMLA and may or may not have Human Resource assistance readily available. We continue to see situations where an employee, eligible for FMLA and absent due to a qualifying reason, has been off for a lengthy period and only then does senior management /…

Defining Management Expectations

August 14, 2019 by Savio HR Solutions

Individual applies for a job based on a job description that defines work tasks and skills, individual is hired, new hire orientation occurs including a whirlwind overview of the company and a quick review of a 100 + page employee handbook.  They start work.  Several months (or in some cases years) the manager reports that the individual is not doing what the manager “expects” (examples:  attendance, cellphone usage, responding to customer calls, timeliness for meetings, helping co-workers, Internet usage, professionalism, etc.).  Occasionally, the issue has been addressed with the employee and the employee simply is unwilling to alter the behavior. …



Why are you leaving? – Exit Interviews


July 24, 2024

What can you do to improve your work environment? Do you know the real reason why your staff are leaving? Exit interviews are great opportunities for companies to get honest and candid answers that help […]

Problem Solving Doesn’t Have to Be a Problem


July 09, 2024

Employers run into problems; this is no surprise to anyone. Problems come in different shapes and sizes and range over different areas within the company. Employers need strong problem-solving skills in their employees.  Employees who […]

Work Playlist Can Enhance Your Productivity


June 25, 2024

Hit pause on workplace distractions! Music just might be the missing note to your productivity symphony.  Headphones are becoming more of a normal accessory to employee’s wardrobe, but this can appear unprofessional or even rude. […]