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Boomers Knocking on the door of retirement

Boomers will be closing their briefcases, taking off their heels, and hanging up their hardhats for the last time within the next 5 years. Nearly 50% of the boomer generation will be retiring during this time frame. The generation that set the foundations for the companies that we work in today will be leaving them.  This will undoubtably influence the companies and force them to focus on what is coming down the pipeline.

New generations are moving up and welcoming fresh new faces to the workforce. It is the responsibility of the leaders to show the newer generations what the boomers did to create the company they are working in.

Celebrate them by having a generation day. Maybe play a game of guess who with your staff showing old baby pictures (with names hidden). Even a game of “What does this do or mean?” Pick items from all generations to see if people can guess the correct answer.  By doing these small gestures, you are showing appreciation and building morale. 

Don’t let the door of retirement be a scary one, but a door of foundations and growth.  Take time to see how is walking toward that door and thank them for all that they have done. 

Our Customer SAY:

We believe in ethics, values, drive determination and results and your organization has delivered beyond our expectations. We deliver on the promises that we set for our customers and Savio has never failed to do the same for us.

- Debra, HR Professional



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